How do you handle taxes as a freelancer?


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As a freelancer, I'm overwhelmed by the complexity of taxes. How do I navigate self-employment taxes, deductions, and quarterly payments? What tools and resources are available to simplify the process and ensure I'm taking advantage of all eligible deductions?

King Belieal

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Since taxes are not charged directly on earnings in my country, I don't find myself in such complex situations to manage taxes. I only have to pay tax integrated as VAT when I consume products and services.


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When I receive payment from foreign companies through banks, they will automatically deduct taxes on my income. Even though government has announced tax plans for self employed individuals, it has not implemented the law yet. They used to cut 10 percent taxes on freelance payment from companies but they have stopped this.


As we all know that every nation on the world is governed by their own type of governments, more or so they are being governed by different ideologies, cultural beliefs and economic parameters that they are put in place for better ruling. According to my country, the freelancers and the content creators have been exempted from paying taxes to the government because they earn so minimal amounts of money. However due to the bragging to some rich content creators that includes driving luxurious cars and living in massionates because of the decent payment that they get, the government had filled a petition on the national assembly about the imposition of taxes on the online content creators and freelancers. However they are projecting a small cut of 1.5% on the online earnings received by the users.


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Well, I don't know about taxes on self employed in. my country especially for those working online. I don't think they charged directly on earnings in my country, so I don't even try to manage taxes. but we pay VATs on products and services that's all


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In my country online earnings are not charged any tax. Online earnings aren't recognized yet, its not everyone who believes you can make money online.

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