The mind is everything. What you think you become


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It is the power of our mind that leads us to the right direction unless you do not like to utilize your own belief but relies only to others opinion and that would make your mind disable. If your mind tells you to become a lawyer, then proceed and if along the way, you feel grounded with the difficult lessons ,remember what your mind tells you and that would change the previous stimulus and shift to the most needed approach, to study harder until you reach the new version of yourself , a successful lawyer. You have to see on your mind what you want to become and that would make a difference of your outlook because you will start to challenge yourself to reach the impossible.


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That's the power of the mind and doing what you think is right for you. Our minds is just like a powerhouse. it has the power to push us to our destiny as you need to follow it and see things through your mind's eye. The actions from the mind can be magical as it does most times works as expected. Like you want to do a thing or take an action and your mind tells you that the right way to go, taking that step could be all the difference you need to succeed. So we should not joke with our minds. it is always potent enough to direct the course of our lives


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The mind could twist and could be swayed if the owner self is weak, that's one reason why there are criminals of all sorts because their mind dictated them on something malicious or anomalous. What they think to do have become what they have as the fruit of their actions dictated from their obscured mind.


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Yes, mind is powerful, and you become what you think. But we need to understand this does not happen to everyone. For your mind to manifest, it also need to be very powerful, and not all of us are born with the same kind of intellect and not all of us can accumulate the same kind of knowledge. Well, I am not being sarcastic here, I am just trying to see in a positive way. When I decided to work as a writer, I dreamed of becoming a best seller. It has been 20 years and I am right at the square one. When I created a blog, I dreamed of making my blog primary source of income and my blog stands at the same place where it was 10 years ago. For some people achieving dream is so easy but for most of us, it is a far cry. However, I also believe that we need to continue to push hard and believe in ourselves.


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Our mind plays a major role in what we become. A lot of people have been limited in so many ways simply because they have limited their belief. There is power in positive thinking.


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Our mind cold also be a bad dictator and that happens if you would want it to happen. However the control is within you and if you want the best for your life, see what the mind tells you- seeing the picture or image on what you become in the near future. Having a positive mindset empowers humans .It is the mind that sways our destiny and the heart follows.


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Yes, mind is powerful, and you become what you think. But we need to understand this does not happen to everyone. For your mind to manifest, it also need to be very powerful, and not all of us are born with the same kind of intellect and not all of us can accumulate the same kind of knowledge. Well, I am not being sarcastic here, I am just trying to see in a positive way. When I decided to work as a writer, I dreamed of becoming a best seller. It has been 20 years and I am right at the square one. When I created a blog, I dreamed of making my blog primary source of income and my blog stands at the same place where it was 10 years ago. For some people achieving dream is so easy but for most of us, it is a far cry. However, I also believe that we need to continue to push hard and believe in ourselves.
I agree with you, it's not easy to just think and work for it and achieve what we planned so in a way its good to prepare your mind and have focus but the results are not in our hands and we need to keep pushing hard.


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Our mind is power and never let anyone trample your rights as a human being. If your mind tells you to work harder and smarter in order to live in prosperity then proceed. Don't be bothered by people whose intention is to exploit you to become like them poor and lazy. What you want to happen to your future will be achieved as long as you cat out those dreams . Do not just dream but dare it and do.


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We also need to see what is realistic and possible, cannot just think and start working for that, you need to have a plan and steps to achieve things, I know there are examples where people have achieved the impossible but don't think everyone's mind is this strong. So I feel we should have a realistic approach.


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If what you picture on your mind is a good asset for your future than proceed. Never be afraid
There is no reason to be afraid because you haven't started yet. Sort out that thing your mind navigate while you delve into perfection of what you intend to achieve. That is how the mind works for us.


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The mind is a powerful tool. Where ever the mind leads you, follow. You will find that the mind is heloing you nagmvigate through life, point you in the right direction. The mind also helps in choosing the right relationships, helps us to notice the red flags that the heart fails to fmdetect or chooses to ignore.


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Our mind is so powerful that we can be able to create something beyond our imagination. That is how powerful our mind is and what we want to become will happen , however, some people are deviating from the standard making their lives miserable. They want to become rich in a short cut way They follow what their mind tells them and indeed they become on what they want , i. e. to become a drug addict or a drug trafficker Money is there but illegal and and the prize is staying behind bars or resting forever six feet below the ground.


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I love that perspective.. it's all about trusting your inner voice and following your heart. By listening to your mind, you can create a clear vision for your future and work towards achieving it, even if it requires overcoming challenges and pushing past limits.

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