Honesty is the best policy


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I don't know if you still remember this saying honesty is the best policy, be honest even if others are not. I mostly saw this to some sign board whenever I am walking to streets or anywhere else where there are a lot of people passing by.

What can you say to this old saying? Are they still applicable today in our generation? Or it is already an old note that are already forgotten by people?


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There are people who still live by this principle in their day to day lives. This may not seem to be the case because so many around appear to be on a mission to deceive others. This doesn't get anyone very far in the long run. Even when it looks like the deceiver is winning they will fall hard. Honesty is still the best policy . That's the natural order.


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Yeah there may still have some people who are still valuing this golden principle but they are now very rare because most people now a days forgot the old moral values that our grand parents treasure for a long period of time.


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Honesty is something that should never get old no matter the generation. I believe honesty should be part of each and everyone of us, more like a lifestyle.


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No matter what era we live in, honesty is a quality that should never be taken for granted. It is particularly helpful to those who continue to display it because it can open doors for them.
In a world that places so much emphasis on lies and deceit, honesty ensures we stay true to our integrity, however hard it may be.


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Being honest isn't seasonal it is to be practice daily so I believe a lot of people even in this chaotic world is still very honest. When you practice honesty as your best policy. You would reap bountifully hereof With being honest you would build trust fir yourself people will trust you because they know you'll give them the truth. Honesty can even boost one's mental health as people would wants to associate with you

Making Honesty your best policy is like having a cornerstone built on integrity, and having strong moral principles. Choosing truth over dishonesty can help with improvement of health and the release of stress in your body.

Choosing being honest or being truthful over dishonesty can help you release stress in your body. Honesty which can protect and advance one's principles


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It is a very famous quot. I learned it when I was a kid. Indeed, honesty is the best policy If you are not honest many will hate and dislike you . trust disappears in split of seconds. The trust you built for years will be replaced with mockery and endless shame. Honesty is one virtue of the Holy Spirit. Let us be honest and never defame ourselves no matter how much it costs.


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Sure, I agree with you that Honesty is a virtue as it is a part of moral and ethical character, that offers one a while lot of benefits:When you are honest you are building a foundation for trust in relationships. With this people will have faith in your integrity.

Being honest even to yourself helps you learn from your mistakes. it would inspire you t strengthen your weaknesses to always take responsibility for your actions and

Living truthfully helpsc one live authentically, which can lead to inner peace and self-respect. With honesty you would be truthful, genuine, and sincere.


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It is a very famous quot. I learned it when I was a kid. Indeed, honesty is the best policy If you are not honest many will hate and dislike you . trust disappears in split of seconds. The trust you built for years will be replaced with mockery and endless shame. Honesty is one virtue of the Holy Spirit. Let us be honest and never defame ourselves no matter how much it costs.
This is the reality that we are facing, one mistake will eventually delete all your good deeds to people around us. We should be very careful for everything we do because trust issue really matters.


Well-known member
This is the reality that we are facing, one mistake will eventually delete all your good deeds to people around us. We should be very careful for everything we do because trust issue really matters.
I agree with you on that, what the people remember is our senseless mistake and not the good deed we did to them . it is is very unfair,howver, let us not be affected with their bad dealings with us as long as our conscience is clear. Let us stand strong and proud and be honest all the time.


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The line made sense years ago. These days it's survival of the fittest. People decieve for a living, they always have motives and it's best to weigh your options. Imagine you are honest and ou are surrounded by liers. Its a tricky world we live in.


Well-known member
If you are not honest to anyone and even to yourself, never expect people to respect and trust you. You will experience bullies and these all will affect your life. It is better to be true to yourself and see how the people surrounding you respond you in an honest ways, so do the same.

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